The course of business English Upper intermediate level (B2) introduces  students to the variety of english used in the world o business. Students get exposed to authentic business texts/articles and get to work on solving real business problems and scenarios to produce appropriate business writing or communication pieces.

 The full course materials, assignments as well as lessons  will be found on the Google Classroom set  up for this course. The page is accessible following this link:

The key to gain access is:  4ir4igm

This course covers a wide range of tools and methods used by translators, professional and freelance alike. The emphasis is put more on the use of the new technologies, platforms  and applications in improve both the quality and the speed of completing translation tasks. It seeks to afford the students  multiple opportunities to learn by practice and through the development of both creativity and problem solving as key soft skills required  by the field of translation.

The manual below will be used as a reference  for this course.

The full course materials, assignments as well as lessons  will be found on the Google Classroom set  up for this course. The page is accessible following this link:

The key is: riigaez

Ce cours a pour objectifs de :

  • Définir le concept d'entreprise,
  • Présenter l'environnement de l'est,
  • Donner les différentes fonctions au sein de l'Ese. 

Cher étudiants,

Vous trouverez en attaché l'examen corrigé SN 2018-2019


Chers étudiants,

Vous trouverez en attaché un TD corrigé :M26 Entrepreneuriat


Argumentation et négociation commerciale de langue B:

-Découverte des styles de négociation

 - Les phases-clés du processus de négociation d’affaires

- les techniques d’argumentation et de négociation

-Terminologie d’argumentation et de négociation

Dear students,

 I hope your are all well and healthy.

 For the content of this course and to keep up with weekly updates, follow the link below: 

and us the following key:    


to access the Google classroom set up for this course.


 brahim Machaal